Pinnacle Pocket Consulting

Pinnacle Consulting is a small, specialist consulting practice focussed on tropical and sub-tropical Agriculture, Land Systems Identification and Mapping and Natural Resource Management. Based on the Tablelands in Far North Queensland, we have a wealth of expertise in the Gulf Plains, Einasleigh Uplands, Cape York, Wet Tropics, Brigalow Belt and in Western and Central Queensland along with representing and advocating on remote/regional community issues. We have a strong team with diverse experiences and we can engage specialist individuals as required, to provide a wide range of quality and complementary services.


Every Pinnacle relationship is established on trust. Whether it's in Landholder Engagement and Facilitation, Land Capability and Suitability Assessment, Due Diligence and Risk Assessments, Project Management, Mapping, reporting or Advocacy. Trust that's hard-earned through our proven expertise and knowledge, our depth of experience and our commitment to stay one step ahead. We take enormous pride in working hard for our clients and collaborating with project partners to deliver the best possible outcomes. We explore deeper, think smarter and see beyond so we can deliver the "Pinnacle" of solutions for our clients.

Increasing demand for food

The United Nations estimates the world's food consumption demand will double by 2050. North Queensland is ideally positioned to meet the ever increasing demand for global food security. The Soils in Cape York, Einasleigh Uplands, Gulf Plains and Central Queensland offer significant areas of Agricultural potential and a new frontier where agriculture can occur sustainably and in balance with the environment. These soils are suitable to a range of agricultural opportunities - sugarcane, cotton, broadscale field crops, Guar, Perennial horticulture (i.e. mango, citrus, papaya), Bananas, annual horticulture and intensive livestock and grazing systems. Some of these crops, given the environment, will come in (mature) earlier than areas further south thereby achieving market premiums. Further, proximity to South-east Asia provides opportunity to export. There are large areas of unused arable land and water resources, access to established infrastructure and a skilled workforce, along with Stable Government.

We are committed to ensuring that projects balance technical, social, environmental and economic outcomes – but we also believe in working with Governments to find solutions to address Government policy shortfalls through Advocacy. We have achieved success for large scale cropping operations within Far North Queensland and are building our reputation for meeting the challenges posed by large, complex Agribusiness projects.

Breeding fertile, tropically adapted, well muscled cattle that produce tender beef